Tahm Trading Pty Limited is a limited by shares, Australian proprietary company. This corporation was registered on 2003-09-18 and was issued with the 106377379 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 58106377379. Since 2003-09-22, the company is headquartered in NSW, post code 2021. Tahm Trading Pty Limited was registered for the GST on 2003-09-22, up until 2004-08-31. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2003-09-22. AUBiz found 3 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 794529 was filed on 1999-05-19 and is categorised as "fancy" (application status: "registered, live"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 1173674 registered on 2007-05-01 in the "fancy" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 2007-05-01); and trademark number 1521360 registered on 2012-10-22 in the "fancy" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 2012-10-22).
Status | From | To |
Active | 2003/09/22 | current |
Name | From | To |
Tahm Trading Pty Limited | 2003/09/22 | current |
Location | From | To |
NSW 2021 | 2003/09/22 | current |
Status | From | To |
Registered | 2003/09/22 | 2004/08/31 |
Application date: | 1999/05/19 |
Lodgement date: | 1999/05/19 |
Registered date: | 1999/05/19 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | 1999/12/16 |
Sealing due date: | 2004/08/31 |
Registered from date: | 1999/05/19 |
Sealing date: | 2004/08/16 |
Renewal due date: | 2019/05/19 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Dogue |
Examination report number: | 3 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 35 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Retailing Of Gifts Specifically For Dogs, Including Clothing, Collars, Leads, Dog Beds, Dog Houses, Dog Furniture, Dog Food, Dog Bowls, Dog Toy Boxes, Dog Tags, Dog Cards, Gift Packs, Dog Cosmetics Including Dog Shampoos; Retailing Of Goods For Dog Parties |
Suburb name: | Bondi Junction |
Postcode: | 2022 |
Australian state code: | NSW |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 297695 |
Agency code: | MX |
Transaction type: | Address for service of the trademark |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 1225 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
CI number: | 1 |
Approval date: | 2012/06/12 |
CI text: | Separation Agreement & Co-Existence Agreement dated 16 December 2009 |
Last amendment date: | 2012/06/12 |
Status code: | 99 |
Type: | Opposition |
Code: | ST |
Extension date to lodge a Notice of Opposition: | 2000/07/06 |
Notice of Opposition lodged on: | 2000/07/06 |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: | 2001/10/06 |
Evidence in Support lodged on: | 2001/09/13 |
Evidence in Support served on: | 2001/10/06 |
Evidence in Support type: | Balance |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Answer: | 2002/07/06 |
Evidence in Answer lodged on: | 2002/07/08 |
Evidence in Answer served on: | 2002/07/06 |
Evidence in Answer type: | All |
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Reply: | 2003/07/06 |
Application withdrawal date: | 2004/01/19 |
Trade Marks act year: | 1995 |
Status of the opposition: | Finalised |
Opposition record created on: | 2002/08/25 |
Opposition record modified on: | 2013/03/02 |
Opposition status data: | Notice of Opposition|Due: 06-APR-2000 |Extension: 06-JUL-2000 |Lodged: 06-JUL-2000 |
Application date: | 2007/05/01 |
Lodgement date: | 2007/05/01 |
Registered date: | 2007/05/01 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | 2008/11/07 |
Sealing due date: | 2009/05/27 |
Registered from date: | 2007/05/01 |
Sealing date: | 2009/03/10 |
Renewal due date: | 2017/05/01 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dogue |
Examination report number: | 3 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 44 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Dog Grooming; Animal Breeding; Hygienic And Beauty Care For Animals; Animal Training; Veterinary Assistance And Services |
Suburb name: | Newport |
Postcode: | 2106 |
Australian state code: | NSW |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 297695 |
Agency code: | MX |
Transaction type: | Claimed interests |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 1225 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
CI number: | 1 |
Approval date: | 2012/06/13 |
CI text: | Separation Agreement & Co-Existence Agreement dated 16 December 2009 |
Last amendment date: | 2012/06/13 |
Application date: | 2012/10/22 |
Lodgement date: | 2012/10/22 |
Registered date: | 2012/10/22 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | 2013/08/07 |
Sealing due date: | 2014/02/15 |
Registered from date: | 2012/10/22 |
Sealing date: | 2013/11/14 |
Renewal due date: | 2022/10/22 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Dogue |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 3 |
NICE class code: | 43 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Temporary Accommodation For Animals; Boarding For Animals; Temporary Accommodation Reservations And Organisation |
Suburb name: | Bondi Junction |
Postcode: | 2022 |
Australian state code: | NSW |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 297695 |
Agency code: | MX |
Transaction type: | Address for service of the trademark |
Suburb name: | Sydney |
Postcode: | 1225 |
Australian state codee: | NSW |
Attorney type: | Attorney |
Country code: | AU |
Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2024 (http://data.gov.au, http://acnc.gov.au/ and http://abr.business.gov.au/), ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2024, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. Aubiz.net will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.