Wyse Corp (australia) Pty Limited

Status: Registered
Australian Company Number: 109472979
Australian Business Number: 92109472979
Registration date: 2004-06-09
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Wyse Corp (australia) Pty Limited is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at NSW 2090 since 2014-09-22 the company is, as the updated on 2021-06-09 ABN database shows, registered. Known company numbers for Wyse Corp (australia) Pty Limited are as follows: ACN - 109472979, Australian Business Number - 92109472979. Wyse Science Australia is one of the trading names this company has used, to be precise, the trading names list includes 1 position that is Wyse Science Australia since 2004-06-09. Wyse Research is an example of a business name Wyse Corp (australia) Pty Limited used. The complete list includes 1 solitary business name. Wyse Research was the company's business name from 2021-06-09. This Australian proprietary company was previously located in NSW 2090 (from 2014-01-16 to 2014-09-22), NSW 2090 (from 2005-06-07 to 2014-01-16), NSW 2090 (from 2005-01-17 to 2005-06-07).

Details for ABN 92109472979

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2004-06-09 current

Main Name

Name From To
Wyse Corp (australia) Pty Limited 2004-06-09 current

Business Names

Name From To
Wyse Research 2021-06-09 current

Trading Names

Name From To
Wyse Science Australia 2004-06-09 current

Main Location

Location From To
NSW 2090 2014-09-22 current
NSW 2090 2014-01-16 2014-09-22
NSW 2090 2005-06-07 2014-01-16
NSW 2090 2005-01-17 2005-06-07
NSW 2090 2004-06-09 2005-01-17


Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 1999047643

General information:

WIPO Application Number: WO2000/004288
Original WIPO Application Number: WO00/04288
PCT Application Number: PCT/AU1999/000577
Original PCT Application Number: PCT/AU99/00577
Old Application Number: 47643/99

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: F02M 31/18
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: F - mechanical engineeringlighting; heating; weapons; blasting
Class code: 2 - combustion engines; hot-gas or combustion-product engine plants
Subclass code: M - supplying combustion engines in general with combustible mixtures or constituents thereof (charging such engines f02b)
Main group code: 31 - apparatus for thermally treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture (f02m0021060000, f02m0021100000 take precedence;such apparatus being part of a carburettor or fuel-injection apparatus f02m0015000000, f02m0053000000; adding hot secondary air to fuel-air mixture f02m0023140000)
Subgroup code: 18 - to vaporise fuel
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2006-04-08
Classification type code: Reclassification
Classification source code: Machine using propagation

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PATADMIN
Mainframe patent number: 741692
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 2001-02-28
Examination request filing date: 2001-06-18
Requested examination type: Full Examination Following Direction
First report issue date: 2001-10-19
Examination section: A4
Expiry date: 2019-07-16
Earliest priority date: 1998-07-17
Acceptance Notice date: 2001-12-06
Sealing date: 2002-03-21
Effective patent date: 1999-07-16
OPI published in journal date: 2000-04-20
Continue renew fee paid date: 2014-07-11
Patent in force to: 2015-07-16

Change of Ownership:

Request filed date: 2004-10-05
Name change date: 2004-10-13
Advertised date: 2004-11-04
Change reason: Assignment by Patentee under S 187, Reg 19.1
Assignment validated date: 2004-09-23
Document description: Deed of assignment
Name type: Old

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NSW 2090 Location

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