Worth's Pty Ltd

Status: Registered
Australian Company Number: 008804911
Australian Business Number: 15008804911
Registration date: 7th May 1976
Type: Australian proprietary company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Proprietary other
last updated


Worth's Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at VIC 3000 since 2014-09-22 the company is, as the updated on 2015-05-24 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2000-07-01 until 2004-12-30. Known company numbers for Worth's Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 008804911, Australian Business Number - 15008804911. Worth's Pty Ltd is one of the trading names this company has used, to be specific, the trading names list includes 1 position that is Worth's Pty Ltd since 2000-04-22 to 2005-01-13. Alexanders is an example of a business name Worth's Pty Ltd used. The complete list includes 3 business names. Alexanders was the company's business name from 2000-04-22 until 2000-06-08. Other business names include John R Saunders & Co (from 2000-04-22 to 2002-06-19) and Worth's (from 2000-04-22 to 2001-12-05). This Australian proprietary company was previously located in VIC 3000 (from 2014-01-16 to 2014-09-22), VIC 3000 (from 2005-05-06 to 2014-01-16), VIC 3012 (from 2000-04-22 to 2005-05-06). Aubiznet found 12 trademarks that reference the company. 1992-07-21 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 582894 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "fancy series" and its application status is "never registered, dead". Other company trademarks include trademark number 644357, application status "never registered, dead";trademark number 644358, application status: "never registered, dead".

Details for ABN 15008804911

Type: Australian Private Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 22nd April 2000 current

Main Name

Name From To
Worth's Pty Ltd 22nd April 2000 current

Business Names

Name From To
Alexanders 22nd April 2000 8th June 2000
John R Saunders & Co 22nd April 2000 19th June 2002
Worth's 22nd April 2000 5th December 2001

Trading Names

Name From To
Worth's Pty Ltd 22nd April 2000 13th January 2005

Main Location

Location From To
VIC 3000 22nd September 2014 current
VIC 3000 16th January 2014 22nd September 2014
VIC 3000 6th May 2005 16th January 2014
VIC 3012 22nd April 2000 6th May 2005

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 1st July 2000 30th December 2004


Business names details


Status Cancelled
Registration date 8th June 1994
Renewal date 8th June 2000
Cancelled date 8th June 2000
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 1162302T
Former state territory VIC

Alexanders Clothing Stores

Status Cancelled
Registration date 14th June 1983
Renewal date 14th June 1998
Cancelled date 15th August 1998
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 8316327D
Former state territory WA


Status Cancelled
Registration date 8th March 1983
Renewal date 8th March 1998
Cancelled date 17th May 1998
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 8322271H
Former state territory WA

John R Saunders & Co

Status Cancelled
Registration date 30th November 1982
Renewal date 30th November 2000
Cancelled date 19th June 2002
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 8233475H
Former state territory WA

Andre Bini Fashion

Status Cancelled
Registration date 14th May 1981
Renewal date 14th May 1996
Cancelled date 15th July 1996
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 8112303E
Former state territory WA


Status Cancelled
Registration date 6th September 1980
Renewal date 6th September 2001
Cancelled date 5th December 2001
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier 8022095V
Former state territory WA

Worths Clothing Stores

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1st January 1753
Renewal date 4th November 1999
Cancelled date 22nd January 2000
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier K2627747
Former state territory NSW

Worths Mens And Boyswear

Status Cancelled
Registration date 1st January 1753
Renewal date 4th November 1996
Cancelled date 4th March 1997
Debtor representative not applicable
Notified successor not applicable
Former identifier K2627845
Former state territory NSW


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 582894

General information:
Application date: 21st July 1992
Lodgement date: 21st July 1992
Live or dead: Dead
CPI status: Never Registered
Status: Lapsed/Not Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Fancy series
Acceptance due date: 10th August 1994
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Worth's
Examination report number: 2
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 42
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Services For The Retailing Of Men's And Boy's Clothing
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Balcatta
Postcode: 6021
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 254771
Agency code: WR
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: West Perth
Postcode: 6005
Australian state codee: WA
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU

Trademark number: 644357

General information:
Application date: 31st October 1994
Lodgement date: 31st October 1994
Live or dead: Dead
CPI status: Never Registered
Status: Withdrawn
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Device
Acceptance due date: 11th April 1996
Sealing due date: 26th October 1996
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Device phrases: Circle,incomplete In Rect Circle,incomplete
Examination report number: 4
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 25
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Clothing, Footwear And Headgear, Including Menswear And Boyswear
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Balcatta
Postcode: 6021
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 407406
Agency code: 1F
Transaction type: Opponent agent code in opposition
Suburb name: Melbourne
Postcode: 3000
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU
Oppositions and Hearings:
Status code: 99
Type: Opposition
Code: ST
Notice of Opposition lodged on: 26th July 1996
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: 26th December 1996
Application withdrawal date: 16th January 1997
Trade Marks act year: 1995
Status of the opposition: Finalised
Opposition record created on: 25th August 2002
Opposition record modified on: 2nd March 2013
Opposition status data: Notice of Opposition|Due: 26-JUL-1996 |Lodged: 26-JUL-1996

Trademark number: 644358

General information:
Application date: 31st October 1994
Lodgement date: 31st October 1994
Live or dead: Dead
CPI status: Never Registered
Status: Withdrawn
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Composite
Acceptance due date: 16th April 1996
Sealing due date: 2nd November 1996
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: C Club Collection
Device phrases: Circle,incomplete In Divided Rectangle
Examination report number: 3
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 25
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Clothing, Footwear, And Headgear, Including Menswear And Boyswear
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Balcatta
Postcode: 6021
Australian state code: WA
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 407406
Agency code: 1F
Transaction type: Opponent agent code in opposition
Suburb name: Melbourne
Postcode: 3000
Australian state codee: VIC
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU
Oppositions and Hearings:
Status code: 99
Type: Opposition
Code: ST
Notice of Opposition lodged on: 2nd August 1996
Extension date to lodge Evidence in Support: 2nd January 1997
Application withdrawal date: 16th January 1997
Trade Marks act year: 1995
Status of the opposition: Finalised
Opposition record created on: 25th August 2002
Opposition record modified on: 2nd March 2013
Opposition status data: Notice of Opposition|Due: 02-AUG-1996 |Lodged: 02-AUG-1996

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VIC 3000 Location

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