Ocular Robotics Limited

Status: Registered
Current name since: 2011-12-29
Name in the ASICs register: Ocular Robotics Limited
Australian Company Number: 120262231
Australian Business Number: 54120262231
Registration date: 2006-06-19
Type: Australian public company
Class: Limited by Shares
Subclass: Unlisted public company
last updated


Ocular Robotics Limited is a limited by shares Australian public company. Located at NSW 2208 since 2015-05-21 the company is, as the updated on 2015-05-21 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2007-08-17. Known company numbers for Ocular Robotics Limited are as follows: ACN - 120262231, Australian Business Number - 54120262231. Ocular Robotics Limited has been the company name since 2011-12-29. Ocular Robotics is one of the trading names this company has used, to be specific, the trading names list includes 1 position that is Ocular Robotics since 2006-08-17. Their official company name changed on 2006-08-17 to Ocular Robotics Pty Limited. The company had used this name up until 2014-08-27. This Australian public company was previously located in NSW 2220 (from 2014-08-27 to 2015-05-21), NSW 2220 (from 2009-03-01 to 2014-08-27), NSW 2196 (from 2006-08-17 to 2009-03-01). Aubiznet found 1 trademark that reference the company. 2009-08-06 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 1314051 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "composite" and its application status is "registered, live".

Details for ABN 54120262231

Type: Australian Public Company

ABN Status

Status From To
Active 2006-08-17 current

Main Name

Name From To
Ocular Robotics Limited 2014-08-27 current
Ocular Robotics Pty Limited 2006-08-17 2014-08-27

Trading Names

Name From To
Ocular Robotics 2006-08-17 current

Main Location

Location From To
NSW 2208 2015-05-21 current
NSW 2220 2014-08-27 2015-05-21
NSW 2220 2009-03-01 2014-08-27
NSW 2196 2006-08-17 2009-03-01

Goods & Services Tax (GST)

Status From To
Registered 2007-08-17 current


Company Trademarks

Trademark number: 1314051

General information:
Application date: 2009-08-06
Lodgement date: 2009-08-06
Registered date: 2009-08-06
Live or dead: Live
CPI status: Registered
Status: Registered/Protected
Mark code: Trade Mark
Trademark type: Composite
Acceptance due date: 2009-11-20
Sealing due date: 2010-06-10
Registered from date: 2009-08-06
Sealing date: 2010-03-18
Renewal due date: 2019-08-06
Court orders: No
Revocation of the acceptance: No
Lodgement type: National
Descriptive: Ocular Robotics
Device phrases: Eye
Examination report number: 1
Examination class count: 1
NICE class code: 9
NICE occ number: 1
NICE description text: Electronic Sensor Apparatus And Devices; High Performance Sensor Pointing Devices Including Such Devices For Use On Mobile Platforms And Vehicles For Use On Land, Air Or Water; Accessories For All The Foregoing Goods
Applicant information:
Suburb name: Hurstville
Postcode: 2220
Australian state code: NSW
Country code: AU
Attorney information:
Attorney code: 489124
Agency code: SF
Transaction type: Address for service of the trademark
Suburb name: Sydney
Postcode: 2001
Australian state codee: NSW
Attorney type: Attorney
Country code: AU

Company Patents

Patent Application Number: 2008201561

General information:

Application date: 2008-04-07
Patent status: Sealed

What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical.

Patent type: STANDARD
Primary IPC mark: G02B 26/10
Accepted claims count: 24

International Patent Classification:

IPC Mark: G02B 26/10
Version date of the IPC Classification record: 2006-01-01
Section code: G - physics
Class code: 2 - optics
Subclass code: B - optical elements, systems, or apparatus (g02f takes precedence;optical elements specially adapted for use in lighting devices or systems thereof f21v0001000000-f21v0013000000; measuring-instruments, see the relevant subclass of class g01, e.g. optical rangefinders g01c; testing of optical elements, systems, or apparatus g01m0011000000; spectacles g02c; apparatus or arrangements for taking photographs or for projecting or viewing them g03b; sound lenses g10k0011300000; electron and ion "optics" h01j; x-ray "optics" h01j, h05g0001000000; optical elements structurally combined with electric discharge tubes h01j0005160000, h01j0029890000, h01j0037220000; microwave "optics" h01q; combination of optical elements with television receivers h04n0005720000; optical systems or arrangements in colour television systems h04n0009000000; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas h05b0003840000)
Main group code: 26 - optical devices or arrangements using movable or deformable optical elements for controlling the intensity, colour, phase, polarisation or direction of light, e.g. switching, gating, modulating (mechanically operable parts of lighting devices for the control of light order f21v; specially adapted for measuring characteristics of light g01j; devices or arrangements, the optical operation of which is modified by changing the optical properties of the medium of the devices or arrangements g02f0001000000; control of light in general g05d0025000000; control of light sources h01s0003100000, h05b0037000000-h05b0043000000)
Subgroup code: 10 - scanning systems (for special applications, see the relevant places, e.g. g03b0027320000, g03f0003080000, g03g0015040000, g09g0003000000, h04n)
Mark type: First (ie Primary)
Classification level: Advanced
Classification code: Inventive
IPC Classification assigned/Application publish date: 2008-04-14
Classification type code: Original
Classification source code: Human

IP Australia process information:

Source code: PAMS
Patent classification type: Standard
Examination request date: 2009-09-15
Examination request filing date: 2010-03-04
Requested examination type: Request Full Examination
First report issue date: 2011-01-31
Examination section: A5 MPEC
Expiry date: 2026-06-02
Earliest priority date: 2005-09-27
Acceptance Notice date: 2011-07-21
Sealing date: 2011-11-03
Effective patent date: 2006-06-02
OPI published in journal date: 2008-05-01
Continue renew fee paid date: 2014-04-29
Patent in force to: 2015-06-02

Change of Ownership:

Request filed date: 2009-04-02
Name change date: 2009-04-15
Advertised date: 2009-04-30
Change reason: Request for Assignment
Assignment validated date: 2008-12-05
Document description: Deed of Assignment
Name type: New

Government contract data

Latest 2016 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2016-06-21 Measuring and observing and testing instruments Department of Defence
71 500.00
2016-04-12 Measuring and observing and testing instruments Department of Defence 219 120.00

Latest 2015 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2015-03-03 Measuring and observing and testing instruments Department of Defence
66 000.00

Latest 2014 contracts

Date Description Agency Value
2014-05-27 Measuring and observing and testing instruments Department of Defence
20 394.00

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NSW 2208 Location

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