Medical Developments International Limited is a limited by shares, listed public company, Australian public company. This corporation was registered on 2003-09-16 and was issued with the 106340667 ACN. Its Australian Business Number is 14106340667. Since 2004-02-16, the company is headquartered in VIC, post code 3171. The previous headquarters were located in VIC 3000 (from 2003-11-15 to 2004-02-16), VIC 3000 (from 2003-09-16 to 2003-11-15). Medical Developments International Limited was registered for the GST on 2003-09-16. The above data comes from the ABN database which was updated on 2012-10-10. AUBiz found 24 trademarks that mention this company. Trademark number 704643 was filed on 1996-03-19 and is categorised as "word" (application status: "registered, live"). Other company trademarks include trademark number 704644 registered on 1996-03-19 in the "fancy" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 1996-03-19); and trademark number 704645 registered on 1996-03-19 in the "fancy" category (application status/date: "registered, live", 1996-03-19).
Status | From | To |
Active | Tue, 16th Sep 2003 | current |
Name | From | To |
Medical Developments International Limited | Tue, 16th Sep 2003 | current |
Location | From | To |
VIC 3171 | Mon, 16th Feb 2004 | current |
VIC 3000 | Sat, 15th Nov 2003 | Mon, 16th Feb 2004 |
VIC 3000 | Tue, 16th Sep 2003 | Sat, 15th Nov 2003 |
Status | From | To |
Registered | Tue, 16th Sep 2003 | current |
Application date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Lodgement date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Registered date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Word |
Acceptance due date: | Wed, 26th Feb 1997 |
Sealing due date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Registered from date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Sealing date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Renewal due date: | Sat, 19th Mar 2016 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Breath-alert |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 10 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Medical Equipment And Respiratory Care Products In This Class |
Suburb name: | Springvale |
Postcode: | 3171 |
Australian state code: | VIC |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 327447 |
Agency code: | EK |
Transaction type: | Address for service of the trademark |
Suburb name: | South Yarra |
Postcode: | 3141 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Lodgement date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Registered date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | Wed, 26th Feb 1997 |
Sealing due date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Registered from date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Sealing date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Renewal due date: | Sat, 19th Mar 2016 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Penthrox |
Examination report number: | 2 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 10 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Medical Equipment And Respiratory Care Products In This Class |
Suburb name: | Springvale |
Postcode: | 3171 |
Australian state code: | VIC |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 327447 |
Agency code: | EK |
Transaction type: | Address for service of the trademark |
Suburb name: | South Yarra |
Postcode: | 3141 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Lodgement date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Registered date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | Thu, 27th Feb 1997 |
Sealing due date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Registered from date: | Tue, 19th Mar 1996 |
Sealing date: | Tue, 2nd Sep 1997 |
Renewal due date: | Sat, 19th Mar 2016 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | No |
Lodgement type: | National |
Descriptive: | Space Chamber |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 10 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Medical Equipment And Respiratory Care Products In This Class |
Suburb name: | Springvale |
Postcode: | 3171 |
Australian state code: | VIC |
Country code: | AU |
Attorney code: | 327447 |
Agency code: | EK |
Transaction type: | Address for service of the trademark |
Suburb name: | South Yarra |
Postcode: | 3141 |
Australian state codee: | VIC |
Attorney type: | Solicitor |
Country code: | AU |
General information:
Patent status: |
Lapsed Either the application has not been accepted by 21 months after the first examination report (or 12 months after the Raising the Bar Act) or some other deadline in the prosecution process has not been completed in time, for example IP Australia has issued a direction to file a request for examination and the applicant has not done so in the required period (2 months). |
Patent type: | NPE |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | A61P 25/04 |
Section code: | A - human necessities |
Class code: | 61 - medical or veterinary science; hygiene |
Subclass code: | P - specific therapeutic activity of chemical compounds or medicinal preparations |
Main group code: | 25 - drugs for disorders of the nervous system |
Subgroup code: | 4 - centrally acting analgesics, e.g. opioids |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | Fri, 31st Jul 2026 |
General information:
Patent status: |
Sealed What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical. |
Patent type: | NPE |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | A61M 39/00 |
Section code: | A - human necessities |
Class code: | 61 - medical or veterinary science; hygiene |
Subclass code: | M - devices for introducing media into, or onto, the body (introducing media into or onto the bodies of animals a61d0007000000; means for inserting tampons a61f0013260000; devices for administering food or medicines orally a61j; containers for collecting, storing or administering blood or medical fluids a61j0001050000); devices for transducing body media or for taking media from the body (surgery a61b; chemical aspects of surgical articles a61l; magnetotherapy using magnetic elements placed within the body a61n0002100000); devices for producing or ending sleep or stupor |
Main group code: | 39 - tubes, tube connectors, tube couplings, valves, access sites or the like, specially adapted for medical use (for respiratory devices, e.g. tracheal tubes, a61m0016000000; artificial heart valves a61f0002240000) |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | Mon, 24th Feb 2031 |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | A62B 19/00 |
Section code: | A - human necessities |
Class code: | 62 - life-saving; fire-fighting |
Subclass code: | B - devices, apparatus or methods for life-saving (valves specially adapted for medical use a61m0039000000; composition of chemical substances used in respirators, gas-masks, breathing apparatus or the like a62d; rescuing from mountains or trees a63b0027000000, a63b0029000000; life-saving devices, apparatus or methods specially adapted for use in water b63c0009000000; divers' equipment b63c0011000000; specially adapted for use with aircraft, e.g. parachutes or ejector seats, b64d; rescue devices peculiar to mining e21f0011000000) |
Main group code: | 19 - cartridges with absorbing substances for respiratory apparatus |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | Sat, 20th Jun 2015 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2016-02-25 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Department of Defence |
107 855.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2015-04-02 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
20 350.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2014-12-11 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
10 175.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2011-10-26 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
69 300.00 | |
2011-04-08 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation | 20 757.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2010-10-19 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
12 454.20 | |
2010-09-13 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation | 11 880.00 | |
2010-08-23 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation | 16 605.60 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2009-06-24 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
13 838.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2008-10-23 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
12 793.00 | |
2008-08-19 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation | 11 457.50 | |
2008-08-08 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation | 30 492.00 |
Date | Description | Agency | Value | |
2007-10-11 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Defence Materiel Organisation |
21 344.40 |
Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2024 (, and, ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2024, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.