Kaelus Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian proprietary company. Located at QLD 4172 since 2021-02-26 the company is, as the updated on 2021-02-26 ABN database shows, registered. The company has been registered for Goods & Services Tax since 2005-08-16. Known company numbers for Kaelus Pty Ltd are as follows: ACN - 115398564, Australian Business Number - 18115398564. Kaelus Pty Ltd has been the company name since 2017-11-16. Their official company name changed on 2005-08-16 to Triasx Pty Ltd. The company had used this name up until 2011-02-10. This Australian proprietary company was previously located in QLD 4170 (from 2014-09-15 to 2021-02-26), QLD 4170 (from 2011-06-21 to 2014-09-15), QLD 4172 (from 2007-07-31 to 2011-06-21). AUBiz found 3 trademarks that reference the abovementioned company. 2005-10-13 is the date the documents needed to start the registration process of trademark no 1080564 were submitted. This trademark is categorised as "fancy" and its application status is "registered, live". Other company trademarks include trademark number 1080844, application status "registered, live", registered on 2005-10-17 in the "fancy series" category;trademark number 1114344, application status: "registered, live" registered on 2006-06-05 in the "fancy" category.
Status | From | To |
Active | 2005/08/16 | current |
Name | From | To |
Kaelus Pty Ltd | 2011/02/10 | current |
Triasx Pty Ltd | 2005/08/16 | 2011/02/10 |
Location | From | To |
QLD 4172 | 2021/02/26 | current |
QLD 4170 | 2014/09/15 | 2021/02/26 |
QLD 4170 | 2011/06/21 | 2014/09/15 |
QLD 4172 | 2007/07/31 | 2011/06/21 |
QLD 4172 | 2005/08/16 | 2007/07/31 |
Status | From | To |
Registered | 2005/08/16 | current |
Application date: | 2005/10/13 |
Lodgement date: | 2005/10/13 |
Registered date: | 2005/10/13 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | 2006/09/28 |
Sealing due date: | 2007/04/12 |
Registered from date: | 2005/10/13 |
Sealing date: | 2007/01/22 |
Renewal due date: | 2015/10/13 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Triasx |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 2 |
NICE class code: | 42 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Network Performance Analysis, Consultation, Problem Resolution, Research And Design For The Global Telecommunications Industry |
Suburb name: | Murarrie |
Postcode: | 4172 |
Australian state code: | QLD |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2005/10/17 |
Lodgement date: | 2005/10/17 |
Registered date: | 2005/10/17 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected - Renewal Due |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy series |
Acceptance due date: | 2006/09/13 |
Sealing due date: | 2007/03/28 |
Registered from date: | 2005/10/17 |
Sealing date: | 2007/01/15 |
Renewal due date: | 2015/10/17 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | Online |
Descriptive: | Vca Virtual Clear Air |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 42 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Information Technology (it) Services (computer Hardware, Software And Peripherals Design And Technical Consultancy) |
Suburb name: | Murarrie |
Postcode: | 4172 |
Australian state code: | QLD |
Country code: | AU |
Application date: | 2006/06/05 |
Lodgement date: | 2006/06/05 |
Registered date: | 2006/06/05 |
Live or dead: | Live |
CPI status: | Registered |
Status: | Registered/Protected |
Mark code: | Trade Mark |
Trademark type: | Fancy |
Acceptance due date: | 2006/09/19 |
Sealing due date: | 2007/04/05 |
Registered from date: | 2006/06/05 |
Sealing date: | 2007/01/15 |
Renewal due date: | 2016/06/05 |
Court orders: | No |
Revocation of the acceptance: | No |
Goods and services assistance: | Yes |
Lodgement type: | AFS |
Descriptive: | Iqa |
Examination report number: | 1 |
Examination class count: | 1 |
NICE class code: | 42 |
NICE occ number: | 1 |
NICE description text: | Information Technology (it) Services (computer Hardware, Software And Peripherals Design And Technical Consultancy) |
Suburb name: | Murarrie |
Postcode: | 4172 |
Australian state code: | QLD |
Country code: | AU |
General information:
Patent status: |
Sealed What happens 3 months after acceptance, assuming there are no oppositions filed. The Status 'sealed' was replaced with 'granted' with IP reform implementation, but from a systems perspective the two statuses are identical. |
Patent type: | STANDARD |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | H04B 17/00 |
Section code: | H - electricity |
Class code: | 4 - electric communication technique |
Subclass code: | B - transmission |
Main group code: | 17 - monitoring; testing (of line transmission systems h04b0003460000; arrangements for monitoring or testing transmission systems employing electromagnetic waves other than radio waves h04b0010070000) |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | 2027/11/15 |
General information:
Patent status: |
Lapsed Either the application has not been accepted by 21 months after the first examination report (or 12 months after the Raising the Bar Act) or some other deadline in the prosecution process has not been completed in time, for example IP Australia has issued a direction to file a request for examination and the applicant has not done so in the required period (2 months). |
Patent type: | STANDARD |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | H04B 17/00 |
Section code: | H - electricity |
Class code: | 4 - electric communication technique |
Subclass code: | B - transmission |
Main group code: | 17 - monitoring; testing (of line transmission systems h04b0003460000; arrangements for monitoring or testing transmission systems employing electromagnetic waves other than radio waves h04b0010070000) |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | 2027/10/10 |
General information:
Patent status: |
Filed The specification prior to acceptance and where the application has not lapsed |
Patent type: | NPE |
International Patent Classification:
IPC Mark: | H04L 25/00 |
Section code: | H - electricity |
Class code: | 4 - electric communication technique |
Subclass code: | L - transmission of digital information, e.g. telegraphic communication (arrangements common to telegraphic and telephonic communication h04m) |
Main group code: | 25 - baseband systems |
IP Australia process information:
Expiry date: | 2031/07/19 |
Contains public sector information licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. Material on this website was obtained from publicly-accessible databases and is attributed to ©Commonwealth of Australia 2025 (http://data.gov.au, http://acnc.gov.au/ and http://abr.business.gov.au/), ©Intellectual Property Government Open Data 2025, ©ASIC - Company Register. While we try to make the information as precise and up-to-date as possible, we are aware the datasets are not always error-free. Aubiz.net will not take responsibility for any errors in the databases. The material provided should be treated as a starting point of more in-depth research, not as fact.